A few days ago, Bristol Palin’s boyfriend/fiancé (Levi Johnston) announced that he and Bristol were no longer together. While I despise gossip magazines that litter their pictures and false stories all over their covers, this story deserves a little attention.
When the teens announced that they were expecting a baby last August, it thrust them in front of the national spotlight because Bristol’s mom had just been announced as John McCain’s running mate in his presidential bid. So, I wrote a blog entry discussing the consequences of our decisions (you can read that here) and how they affect us in ways we never thought they would/could later (her words on her plans prior to finding out she was pregnant: “I never would have thought I would have been a mom and I would have never thought my mom would have been chosen for Vice President”).
Fast forward to February 16th – Bristol gives an interview with FOX News, stating that teens should wait “10 years” to have a child and that the ideal way to prevent teen pregnancy is abstinence; “BUT”, she continued, “it’s not realistic because [premarital sex] is so accepted among kids my age.” (See that video interview here) A note on this… of course it is unrealistic if your eyes and desires are only about you (and the people you use to judge your actions are your peers with their own self-seeking desires). Real love, however, takes REAL work… it’s hard! It requires you to put others (especially your partner) above yourself! Lust is easy… you see something, you like it, you take it… love requires commitment and integrity!
Then, fast forward to today – the new mommy and daddy are now no longer together. A few short months ago they were planning a wedding/future together. Now, they are “off.” Why? According to Levi, it’s because they (or he is) are not “mature” enough for marriage. (?!?!?)
This is probably the most mature decision the couple has made so far. Unfortunately, the timing of it now makes it an immature reaction. The time to decide if one is mature enough for a committed relationship is prior to taking/giving away each other's purity (minds, hearts, bodies, etc.), not after – and DEFINITELY not after you bring a child into the world. Their decision now is not about them, but about their child.
I’m not here, necessarily, to criticize Levi or Bristol – I have no idea what’s going on in their lives, nor is it my business. There may be legitimate reasons for them not to be married or be together, but my point is that those decisions need to come earlier (see my "purity blog entry here: “Abstinence is Wrong”).
TEENS: In her interview, Bristol says she hopes other teens learn from her story. I agree – I hope you do. More than just pregnancy, though (because avoiding teen pregnancy is not the key here; what about your own purity? Your husband’s/wife’s feelings? Your children’s?), I pray you see how quickly “love” and situations can change (and yes it can happen to you, for those that think it won’t because you/your significant other are different). I pray you select carefully those you share your heart with and seek fulfillment in a Godly, committed relationship that desires to worship God and enjoy true love.
PARENTS: See my blog entry on purity for how to teach/navigate your children/teens through these natural feelings. Click here to read it.
BRISTOL AND LEVI… I appreciate the love you both seem to have for your son and your desires to put him first. I know this season of your life is rough, but know that God’s grace, mercy and True Love are bigger and can prevail if you allow them to. I am praying for you two and your son.
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