Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jesus Spinning Vinyl

Saturday, March 28, 2009
I don't normally post over the weekend, but saw this video and couldn't let it go. Apparently, there is a church in Oregon that utilizes a tea as a hallucinogen as a part of its worship practice. They make the sign of the cross and then down the tea. They claim it allows them to "experience God."

I understand and share their desire to experience God; however, drugs do not make that more possible.

Here is my take:

  • Being that God has revealed Himself to billions of people from the beginning of time, whether it be through visions/dreams, speaking to them, appearing before them, through Jesus Christ, through the church, etc. what is it that makes these people feel as though they can manipulate God into speaking to them and feel as though they are worshipping Him?

  • Any time you step out of your mind (drugs, being buzzed/drunk, hallucinating, etc.) your logical mind is gone; Hence the reason people think they are Superman and jump off buildings. Not for nothing, but I'm pretty sure we could experience a lot of stuff if we are hallucinating... Jesus spinning vinyl, Mary chillin' by the pool, the Apostles playin' on the merry-go-round, etc. When you're hallucinating you can't be sure you experienced anything other than a head trip.

  • What sort of testimony is it for the church to claim they experience God, but only after they get rocked out of their head on fun tea?

Want to truly experience God? Try this on instead... PRAY and ask God to reveal Himself. Look around and see where He already has or is showing Himself to you. Go to church (it is His Church, not man's) or speak to a pastor or a Christian that you trust about it. Another resource is the book "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby.

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I have never heard of such. God is more than willing to show Himself to those that truly want to experience Him. Its a shame to see such as this. Check out my blog post today. Ive got something for you.

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