Thursday, March 26, 2009

How You (and Your Family) View the World

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I was watching The View today (yes, I know… a hole must now be punched in my Man Card), and in it they brought up Jesus Christ and Satan. To begin the conversation Whoopi G quoted "spiritual guru" (whatever that is) Dr. Deepak Chopra as saying:

“Healthy people don’t have a need for Satan… healthy people need to confront their own issues, understand themselves.”

Cue Barbara Walters asking the rest of the table if they believe in Satan or Jesus Christ (Elisabeth and Sherri said “yes,” Whoopi nodded in interest, Joy cast jokes). Following this exchange, however, Barbara quoted a “study” (from the Bonner Group?) that stated the following:

  • Only 9% of all adults have a “Biblical Worldview”
  • Only 1% of adults 18-23 have a “Biblical Worldview”

While there are many things that can be asked about the truth of these numbers (Who is the Bonner Group? What was their sample group? Who was their sample group? etc.), based on my own experience in church ministry, campus ministry and family ministry, I think these numbers are closer to accurate then not.

How many people in our churches actually have (and LIVE according to) a Biblical Worldview? How many could actually describe what a Biblical Worldview is?

How would you, or your teens/kids answer the following questions:

  1. Who is God?
  2. Who is Jesus Christ?
  3. How did the Universe come into existence?
  4. What is man?
  5. Why is there evil in the world? If yes, where does it originate?
  6. Is there life after death?
  7. Is there a such thing as Truth and if so, how can one know it, truly?

EVERYONE has a worldview… everyone has a thought on life and how it came about, how we are to function in it and what happens when our life ends. Our worldview drives how we answer questions about: love, relationships, worship, social justice, hope, spirituality, family, ethics, morality, etc.

What’s your worldview? What the worldview of your family?

Want to join the conversation? Click here to comment or ask a question!

Additional Resources for you to use:

What Is Your Worldview? (Answers In Genesis)

What's a Worldview Anyway? (Focus on the Family's The Truth Project)



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