On Sunday night NBC premiered its new drama series, “Kings.” It tells the story of a modern day monarchy (some say it begs the question, what would the U.S. look like with a monarchy). According to NBC’s synopsis, the series is “an epic story of greed and power, war and romance, forbidden loves and secret alliances -- and a young hero who rises to power in a modern-day kingdom.”
“Why write about a new series?” you ask. To answer the immediate question, no I am not getting paid by the network Goliath, as it were, to write about their new series (though, should the NBC exec’s see this and feel compelled to, I’d be happy to receive their donation). I write about this because this story is actually a contemporary re-telling of the story of King David, from 1 and 2 Samuel. NBC says it’s a re-telling of David and Goliath, but I disagree greatly as there are many plots and storylines taken from the epic story of David. Here are but a few of the borrowed storylines and character casting seen in the premiere:
Bible: David is a shepherd boy in the country
Kings: “David Shepherd” is a mechanic boy in the country
Bible: David is anointed and appointed by God to be King of Israel through the prophet Samuel
Kings: David is “anointed” (so to speak, though not said like that) by the Rev. Samuel for something unknown… yet.
Bible: King Saul was initially appointed by God to be King of Israel, then fails God through selfish ambition
Kings: King Silas was initially appointed by God (yes, God) to be King, then fails God through selfish ambition
Bible: David is a “man after God’s own heart”
Kings: The Reverend Ephram Samuels (stand in for the prophet Samuel) tells King Silas God no longer favors him and has appointed a new King – “a man after His own heart.”
Bible: David slays Goliath with a stone
Kings: David slays the military tank Goliath (yes, I agree… they really stretched for this one) with a rocket launcher. LOL, sorry, I laughed watching it, too.
Bible: David is a musician
Kings: David is a musician (plays the King’s piano)
WORD OF WARNING: As anxious as I am about this new series, I feel it is important to remind you that this is NOT the Bible. It is a “re-telling” which means they have (and will use as often as they can) the liberty to change, adjust, flip, twist, and re-imagine the Biblical account of King David. Yes, there are many similarities (to include negative qualities, such as betrayal, lust, greed, selfishness, etc.), but mind you they are very loose (some are even stretches)! One example: Jonathan, Saul’s son, in the Bible is “Jack” in “Kings” and is somewhat outed in the premiere episode as gay.
The story of David served a much larger purpose than the establishment of government/power… it ushered in the arrival of Jesus Christ and paved the way for true redemption and restoration for mankind through Him (the One True King), not a hero king. Also (SIDE NOTE), it is curious how David in the show is considered a man after God’s own heart when, so far, he has demonstrated no sign of being Godly… only noble, heroic, brave and kind (good attributes).
For those with teens you might, as a family activity, consider reading the story of Saul and David in 1 and 2 Samuel together and watch the show together. Point out similarities and misinterpretations. Talk about how the coming of the King (Jesus) through a country shepherd boy has changed and influenced modern society in ways that an earthly monarchy never could.
It’ll be interesting to see how this series unfolds. Watch it on NBC’s Sundays at 8pm.
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