Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Value of Wrinkles

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Brooke Shields hates wrinkles. Many women do, for that matter. They hate gravity working against them. Teenage girls look at 30 and think it is ancient and something to be avoided at all costs.

Being a male, I know, probably does not bode well for me as I speak on this issue. After all, many women argue that men age better than women, usually citing Brad Pitt and George Clooney as examples (I assure you, I am not either of these men). I do not seek to put down Brooke Shields or other women (or men) fighting time, but would like to interject a few thoughts on aging gracefully:

  • I understand with each new birthday we are a year *clears throat and whispers* older. Kids can’t wait for them; adults hide their heads hoping it passes without anyone noticing. We cannot stop the aging process. Instead of dreading the inevitable days of aging, embrace them. After all, they remind us we are still alive. The only alternative to celebrating birthdays is never celebrating another.
  • Check motives. Why is looking younger so important to you? What’s so horrid about wrinkles and other signs of aging? For whom are you trying to display your “youth” or new smooth face? It seems that younger, flatter and smoother is always changing. Translation: with the standard of young always changing with new products and creams, will there ever be a point where you are satisfied? Chances are: no. We are never satisfied. Thus, we are much like Solomon – we chase the wind (always chasing and in the end never successful).
  • Value the wisdom that comes with aging. Experience, lessons learned, sacrifices made and battles won and lost have made you the person you are. America is one of the few cultures in the world where aging is more like the plague, than valued. In many other cultures, women use their age and experience to teach and mentor those younger than them. They are not looked upon as ancient, but admirable and trustworthy. This is even seen in Scripture (checkout Titus 2:3-6). Teach and show teens and children the value, beauty and wisdom of age.

Just a thought. :-)

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