Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, Star Trek, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Up, and Land of the Lost
What do these movies have in common?
They were/are all slated to battle it out as the Blockbusters of Summer 2009. Now you can add an unexpected contender to that list: District 9.
Watch the preview below before reading further!
Based on the trailers I've seen and the buzz this film is generating (plus, having Peter Jackson - Lord of the Rings trilogy and King Kong director - attached as a producer doesn't hurt), this looks to be the next Cloverfield or The Blair Witch Project (low budget films that deliver BIG in the box office). This trailer was the teaser trailer released 2 months ago. The newest trailer reveals more alien-human battles, but this teaser trailer, I believe, clues potential audience members into the worldview that will dominate the film.
Yes, it is an alien flick (with a very unique premise), but what message is the director, producers, and screenwriters trying to communicate using a human-alien struggle?
- Political? (Immigration? Human Rights? War? Terrorism/Imprisonment of Terror Suspects?) - Social (Tolerance? Racism? Judgment/Fear of the Unknown? Acceptance?) - Religious (Tolerance?)
I'm very intrigued by this film - mostly because of its highly unique premise and originality (it is a big time story without all the franchise hype). However, because of its potential to be this summer's biggest film (or at least second to the mammoth-of-a-film Transformers 2) it is important to remember that ALL films come custom-packed with a "moral of the story" meant to educate audiences. This is not always a bad thing, but as Christians we are to check all messages/morals against the scope of Scripture.
Is what is being offered as a message, Biblical? God-honoring? God-loving?
PARENTS: Blockbusters are always a ton of fun to watch with our kids/teens, but it is imperative you remember your calling as the primary educators and worship leaders in the lives of your children. Even poor (ungodly) messages in movies can be teaching tools. I remember my Uncle Mark G. one time using the "it doesn't matter what train you take [to get to the North Pole] so long as you get on a train" line from ThePolar Express to reaffirm Biblical teaching with his kids. The film might have been talking about Santa's home, but it alluded to heaven/religion. Seeing this he simply asked them as the film was still playing: "is that true? Does it not really matter what train you get on?" - they all replied: "NO (it's not true)! Only Christ is the way to heaven," as they finished the movie. Movies/story telling are a GREAT way to teach discernment; hence the reason Jesus Christ used parables. With movies as one of the primary means of social education, statements about society/the world/culture it is important we realize this and not fall into the trap of "movies are just mindless entertainment." They weren't made mindlessly, we shouldn't watch them that way either.
**This is not to say we should watch all movies or read all stories... some, no matter how good the message is, are not profitable to us as people, let alone believers. Obviously, if there is any question as to the trustworthiness of a film or its content, it's better safe than sorry: skip it and watch something else.
NOTE: District 9 is rated R for bloody violence and pervasive language. It releases August 14th.
I'm a Jesus Freak, for real! I'm sold out, bought out follower of the One True Lord, Jesus Christ.
I love my wife - no doubt about it! She's my #1 girl and always will be. I love my 3 kids - they make me smile! The best day in the world is spending time with the four of them.
I love discussing the arts (especially film and music) and sharing hope found in Christ.
I'm a nut... love laughing, sarcasm and love talking with witty people. I'm sure there's more, but that's kinda me in a nutshell *"look this is me in a nutshell... how did i get in here?"*
love Eminem and he is my favorite rapper but l know that i know that Eminem is sad and was abouse'd i feel sad thank u Jesus
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