Monday, June 30, 2008

Response to Your Posts and How to Discuss This Stuff With Your Teens/Kids

Monday, June 30, 2008 0

I apologize for the delay in posts. I am planning on trying to update this more regularly from now on. I'm hoping to have 2-3 posts/week (maybe more!).
Good feedback in the comment forums - I especially appreciate the heart of the parent regarding the Katy Perry song (see that post here: I totally empathize with you - it is difficult!!! Especially today where these things are no longer taboo. As one of the anonymous commentors (I know, I know - "Commentator," but wanted to make sure it was clear I was speaking about one who "commented" on this Blog) stated - we have lost our moral compass.
I think the key is to be upfront with teens. NOT talking about it is not a choice. Matter of fact, waiting until it is an issue (reacting) may be too late. Innocence is rarely held throughout the childhood years anymore (and unless you lock your kids/teens up, this is the world we live in now). 3rd graders sing sexually-loaded songs (even referring to girls as "ho's") in their school talent shows now (yes, this REALLY happened in a local school) and tell the jokes I didn't hear until high school. So now, we as parents are put in a difficult position. Do we REACT as the situation calls for? Or do we become more proactive, talking about these things even if our kids/teens seem oblivious to them?
I say talk now! BRING IT UP... boy/girl relationships. Appropriate and inappropriate ways of expressing affection. Explain those wonderful, colorful words (yes, I do say this sarcarstically as there is nothing wonderful about them) and why they should not be used, EVER. Homosexuality in its proper perspective (not BASHING it, but being honest about it - it's not ok or a fun way to explore yourself). Discuss the sex stuff (not just where babies come from) - trust me, if you aren't talking about it with them, they're talking about it/hearing about it elsewhere (and in many cases trying it because "it's not actually sex, so it can't be bad").

ONE TIP FOR PARENTS... establish an OPEN DOOR POLICY. Tell your kids/teens they are ALWAYS welcome (and encouraged) to ask questions about ANYTHING and do not need to fear consequences for asking. No punishment, regardless of how graphic the question. This may be hard to do (trust me, my 8 year old has already said some words and had some talks with me that have made me blush and FURIOUS at the same time), but if they learn they cannot talk with you as parents then they'll find their info other places (along with help in establishing their own rules for what to do with that new info).
Know that I am praying for you (as I hope you are praying for me, as well). KEEP COMMENTING!!! I love hearing your hearts and thoughts.

COMING UP THIS WEEK: "How to be an Offensive Christian (without being Offensive)" written by the teens of Refuge, some movie reviews and more... until then...
that's what my response to your comments is all about Charlie Brown...

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Teacher's Brain - An Ode to Teachers

Monday, June 23, 2008 4

My wife is a teacher in a third grade class - something she loves and is PHENOMENAL at doing (though she'd never say that of herself). *Steps onto my mini-soapbox*: What's expected of teachers now-a-days is unbelievable, yet they go back everyday ready for more. Paperwork, individualized education plans (sometimes as many as 8-10 per class, in addition to the normal curriculum), meetings, parent emails/conferences, meetings with kids, testing scores, school duties... oh, and at some point teaching. CRAZY! But yet they still do it! *Stepping off my box now... thank you*
I know I'm biased, but seriously my wife is amazing. With all that she endures (some days even being drained to the point of tears - and even to the point when there are no more tears to shed), she loves teaching and helping children grow in their academic pursuits! She is an AMAZING teacher!!!!!!
Today, in the midst of closing out the year, getting report cards done, meetings, teaching, cleaning the classroom (and other end of the year tasks) she found some humor in the moment and wrote this entertaining poem and emailed it to me (so I thought I'd share - teachers will especially get a kick out of it):

"My Brain is Full"
By Laura (the Christian) the Teacher

“My brain is full!”
the third grade teacher cried!
With a kiddie pool, lil’ green army men, and ice to find!
With pizza money to collect and call and order!
Where to find the deals? Where to deliver?

“My brain is full!”
The third grade teacher cried!
With baby shower money to collect,
and gift cards to buy!
With going to the store,
finding a cake,
finishing the school year!
My my my!

Not to mention report cards,
parent invitations to plays,
and cumulative folders to do!
This teacher's brain is full to the brim!
Need… coffee…quick! Fill it to the rim!

And that's what "the brain of a teacher" is all about Charlie Brown...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Katy Perry "I Kissed a Girl"

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 4

There is a new song growing in popularity across the country (radio, facebook, myspace, MTV, etc.) – “I Kissed a Girl” by Katy Perry. This song and its popularity raises many issues (outside of its homosexual content – which is another conversation in-and-of-itself) in need of discussing.

“The next big thing” (Blender magazine) or “the one to watch” (TEEN People – yes, TEEN, as in “our primary audience is teenagers”), Katy Perry (real name, Katheryn, Katy, Hudson) is the 23-year old daughter of conservative Christian pastors. As a teenager she released her first album, the self-titled mainstream Christian album Katy Hudson ( Now with her new name and musical style, Katy is taking the pop world by storm.

I have no desire to be one of the millions that have or will share or link her song or video, so instead I will post a link to the song's lyrics. If you wish to hear the song or see the racy video all you need to do is go to your search engine of choice and type in her name and the song name – you’ll have no issues finding it. For the rest of you, here are the lyrics:

POINTS OF INTEREST IN THE SONG (NOTE: read lyrics before continuing)
I’m not a big fan of lists, but it certainly beats reading (or glancing at) long chunks of unorganized dialogue. So, without further ado, here is my list:
1. For something so “natural,” it seems pretty difficult to do. She states in the song that girls kissing girls is just a part of human nature, yet she seems to contradict this throughout most of the song. First, in order to do the deed she needed to get her bravery on by downing some drinks (“I got so brave, drink in hand”). Second, the drink allowed her judgment to be impaired enough to “[lose her] discretion”. Third, she admits “it felt so wrong” (before telling her self it felt so right). Fourth, she states that girls kissing girls is “not how good girls behave” (implying that the right decision would be NOT kissing girls); however, the bad/cool/rebel girls test the limits and live on the edge.
2 .No big deal? Is it really "innocent"? That’s what Katy seems to lead listeners to think (or maybe she’s just trying to make herself feel better). Unfortunately, this is just a reflection of the world we live in – as long as you don’t kill someone and you do not hurt someone (“victimless crime”) it’s “innocent.” I bet her Christian pastor parents would beg to differ about the innocence and “big deal” nature of the song (as I’m sure they LOVE fielding questions about their daughter and her new song). I wonder if it will be just as “innocent” when her daughter desires taste cherry Chapstick, too? What if her boyfriend DOES mind (meaning, he’s not a big fan of sharing his girlfriend with other girls – or guys)? Is it still “innocent”? What if the girl she kissed minds and doesn’t like just being a nameless, “experimental game”? Is it still “innocent”? And if it really is so innocent, why feel bad/wrong about it (or feel the need to defend it)?
3. Hook-ups are cool!!! Friends with benefits rock!!!! This is the dominant opinion of the day and the obvious view of this song. If it looks too good to deny it, then don’t! Translation: “let’s just use as many people as we can to fulfill our own desires. We’ll act now, ask questions later… hopefully no one gets hurt in the process, but let’s not think about that now – on to the fun!” Hmmmm...
4. The loss of the big picture. The lifestyle promoted in this song leaves many victims and has left out the rest of the story. What consequences resulted from that night? How about the consequences in the years to come? What about living for others (putting their needs and ideals before your own)? What about enjoying relationships with people, not just using them? When our own satisfaction is the tool we use to determine what’s right and wrong it is very slippery slope! Pringles’ slogan (“once you pop you can’t stop”) is a pretty accurate description of what our desires look like (seen also in James 1:15) – they are rarely satisfied. As soon as what used to satisfy us lets us down, we need more to make us feel good again… until it is too late and we’ve crossed the line. Many times we’ve been over the line a long time before we see the consequences of those decisions.

I like Katy’s voice – and the song is somewhat catchy (unfortunately - hence the reason many love it). There is no doubt that Ms. Hudson/Perry is talented; however, it also appears to me that she seems to be a confused young lady (as she even admits in the song). I believe we would be wise to follow the advice of Scripture (Jude 21-23) – love and pray for Katy, all the while keeping our own “discretion” while learning from the mistaken philosophy of this song and promoting a right/godly philosophy of life.

And that’s what Katy Perry’s song is all about Charlie Brown…

Be sure to leave your own feedback/comments on the COMMENTS section (click the link below)...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

NEW POLL: The Jesus Debate

Thursday, June 5, 2008 5

One of the most popular (and equally controversial) names in all of history is that of "JESUS CHRIST." Many opinions exist and I'd like to hear yours! Is He:

1. A good/moral man?
2. A good teacher?
3. The Son of God (Savior)?
4. Prophet?
For those unsure or no opinion I have also provided an option for you ("I don't know").

#1 - VOTE (poll above), #2 - then CHIME IN (meaning leave a comment) AND LET THE CONVERSATION BEGIN!!!!!!!! :-)
After the poll closes, I will leave my two cents as well, but right now want to hear what you believe.
NOTE: This is NOT a forum to bash others, but to DISCUSS beliefs openly (and ask questions of one another).

Props to "The Minister" on "So You Think You Can Dance"?

I'm not a big fan (though I do watch a few of them) of the overly hyped and often lackluster performance-reality shows like American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the "Stars", America's Got Talent, etc.. However, as my wife and I were watching a little of SYTYCD last night I was blown away by a mid-twenties (I think - it's a guess) dancer who choreographed a dance to the Story of Solomon. The judges ripped him apart thinking his dance ought to have been more sexually charged and his reply was "I'm not gonna do that crap! (From here it is a loose paraphrase of what he said) The story I'm telling is not about sex but forbidden love - having feelings, but not acting on it. I don't need to put that stuff in my dancing." They pushed further and he replied "I'm a minister and refuse to compromise my beliefs." They (one female judge in particular - the one on the far left) told him she liked his dance but needs to get his "issues" resolved. WHAT?! And issue would that be, exactly? The issue of treating a woman correctly? The issue of placing sexuality in its proper context? The issue of telling a story in an imaginative and non-exploitive (and non-overly-obvious) manner?
I know he'll probably never read this, but props to you my brother! Way to represent! Way to stand your ground! That was a powerful dance (even though I don't get dance, I was moved! I was moved prior to even knowing it was about Solomon or that you were a minister) and how you handled yourself on stage against those ridiculous comments was great! Thank you for faithfully demonstrating what it means to be a follower of Christ and not selling out! That was a true demonstration of how Christians ought to live "in the world, but not of it" (and participating in the arts in a manner worthy of the Gospel) and an example I would be proud to put on display for my teens (my youth group) to learn from. Keep on, keeping on!!!
That's what "The Minister" on SYTYCD is all about Charlie Brown...

Note: I tried to find a video of the dance and his conversation with the judges to post here, but to no avail. Sorry. If I see it later I will post it here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Take on "Juno"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 2

Over the last several weeks I've had several conversations with teens and adults alike about the movie "Juno" (starring Ellen Page). As one would expect, opinions about the movie have varied greatly. So I figured, why not one more. Here's my take on the movie (originally posted on as a part of my movie community reviews):

**SPOILER** First off, I'm a sucker for wit and sarcasm - both of which are packaged very well in the tiny character of Juno. Wit and sarcasm aside, however, this movie is nothing more than a film celebrating a teen's search for self-identity, only to find it through a consequence-free pregnancy. Sure, she's not like the "other" high school kids and mom and dad are disappointed, but it's amazing that a film that attempted to pride itself on some emotionally-charged sequences somehow manages to conclude with very little emotional baggage for Juno (considering what she had been through and the choice(s) she made). Matter of fact, it's the opposite - she is now able to go on about life happy and in love with the boy that was always there but she didn't really notice (or at least notice her true feelings for). So note for my daughter: pregnant is cute and a good path for self discovery. Check.

Ok, so this may be jumping the shark a wee-bit, but not an all-together illogical conclusion: Teen has sex with a convenient friend to cure boredom - teen unexpectantly gets pregnant – decides to have the baby (very good choice) – gives the baby up for adoption to a woman (Jennifer Garner) who is made out to be a hero for wanting a baby, but is actually self-absorbed and newly single (that’s a wholly different conversation) – teen falls “in love” with the baby’s teen daddy and they live on happily ever after playing their music.
It’s a bummer because I really wanted to enjoy this movie. Until next time… that’s what Juno is all about Charlie Brown…

Monday, June 2, 2008

Why My Blog

Monday, June 2, 2008 2
I've joined the revolution of the blogosphere just in time for it to become antiquated and a waste of cyberspace. Until "MySpace the Sequel" is launched, however, I figured I'd give this "blogging" thing a whirl.
So Why "MY" Blog? First, I got a lot on my mind - many times random thoughts (btw - props to the show Scrubs because my thoughts are often very JD-like in that out of no where I'm off in my head daydreaming about my random thoughts... much like this aside you're reading now... back to our regularly scheduled program…), so I thought I'd actually post them for conversation, fun, and occasional debates. Second, I talk incessantly and many times with far too many words. I figured I'd try to do my best to share my random thoughts in a less verbose and more focused fashion. Third, I like using big words (like "verbose" - though that's not as big as, say, "grandiloquent" which means sonorous or elevated language or lots of big words) and will insert such words as the opportunity presents itself. Fourth, why not?!?!
What can you expect from the blog of Christian the Christian (or ChristianSquared)? Various things. Since I like lists, I thought this would be the perfect time to make one:
1. Conversations about God and Theology
2. My opinion and take on stuff in the world
3. Occasional movie reviews (cause I love ‘em and have lots of thoughts on ‘em)
4. Cultural Conversations
5. Stuff on dating/relationships/marriage (because it’s a conversation near and dear to my heart)
6. Responses to other blogs
7. Deep thoughts (those are always fun)
8. Other stuff as my mind wanders that way
This ain’t David Letterman – I never promised you 10 :-).
I hope you enjoy my meanderings and ramblings (you should see what they look like in my head!) and I look forward to hearing your take on things as well. I will do my best to post something once a week. Until next time… that’s what MY Blog is all about Charlie Brown…
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