I apologize for the delay in posts. I am planning on trying to update this more regularly from now on. I'm hoping to have 2-3 posts/week (maybe more!).
Good feedback in the comment forums - I especially appreciate the heart of the parent regarding the Katy Perry song (see that post here: http://christianthechristian.blogspot.com/2008/06/katy-perry-i-kissed-girl.html). I totally empathize with you - it is difficult!!! Especially today where these things are no longer taboo. As one of the anonymous commentors (I know, I know - "Commentator," but wanted to make sure it was clear I was speaking about one who "commented" on this Blog) stated - we have lost our moral compass.
I think the key is to be upfront with teens. NOT talking about it is not a choice. Matter of fact, waiting until it is an issue (reacting) may be too late. Innocence is rarely held throughout the childhood years anymore (and unless you lock your kids/teens up, this is the world we live in now). 3rd graders sing sexually-loaded songs (even referring to girls as "ho's") in their school talent shows now (yes, this REALLY happened in a local school) and tell the jokes I didn't hear until high school. So now, we as parents are put in a difficult position. Do we REACT as the situation calls for? Or do we become more proactive, talking about these things even if our kids/teens seem oblivious to them?
I say talk now! BRING IT UP... boy/girl relationships. Appropriate and inappropriate ways of expressing affection. Explain those wonderful, colorful words (yes, I do say this sarcarstically as there is nothing wonderful about them) and why they should not be used, EVER. Homosexuality in its proper perspective (not BASHING it, but being honest about it - it's not ok or a fun way to explore yourself). Discuss the sex stuff (not just where babies come from) - trust me, if you aren't talking about it with them, they're talking about it/hearing about it elsewhere (and in many cases trying it because "it's not actually sex, so it can't be bad").
ONE TIP FOR PARENTS... establish an OPEN DOOR POLICY. Tell your kids/teens they are ALWAYS welcome (and encouraged) to ask questions about ANYTHING and do not need to fear consequences for asking. No punishment, regardless of how graphic the question. This may be hard to do (trust me, my 8 year old has already said some words and had some talks with me that have made me blush and FURIOUS at the same time), but if they learn they cannot talk with you as parents then they'll find their info other places (along with help in establishing their own rules for what to do with that new info).
Know that I am praying for you (as I hope you are praying for me, as well). KEEP COMMENTING!!! I love hearing your hearts and thoughts.
COMING UP THIS WEEK: "How to be an Offensive Christian (without being Offensive)" written by the teens of Refuge, some movie reviews and more... until then...
that's what my response to your comments is all about Charlie Brown...
The Painful Reality of Hell
1 day ago
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