Thursday, October 15, 2009

Once in a "Lifetime" Opportunity to be with Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Die hard Marilyn Monroe fans may not be able to meet the late actress/model, but now they can be with her in death, so-to-speak. That's right. For a couple million dollars, your remains and epitaph can now be directly above the late Mrs. Monroe (and in the same cemetery as other late celebrities such as Rodney Dangerfield, Dean Martin, Farrah Fawcett, Jack Lemmon and more)! Elsie Poncher's late husband was the previous resident (late resident?) of the space, but his wife decided to move him over a spot and auction off his spot to pay her mortgage ($1.6 million mortgage).

I cannot say I find much fault in her desire to provide security for herself and her children; however, I do find it a little creepy to capitalize on other people's idolatry by relocating her late husband's remains which have been buried there since 1986. Where I do have a major issue is the length people are willing to go to be associated with their idols - even though it should not surprise me since people have been consumed with idols since the beginning of time. In the Old Testament people would offer up their best possessions to sacrifice to idols carved with their own hands. Today, instead of sacrificing their best to carved images, people:
  • Define themselves by those idols (celebrities/culture)
  • Compare their worth as humans against the fame of their idols
  • Pay ridiculous amounts of money and absurd amounts of time to read about, meet, or associate with their idols (magazines, movies, buy their music, hang their posters on their walls, follow their every word on Twitter, MySpace or Facebook, follow their news in gossip tabloids, etc.); otherwise known as making sacrifices to enjoy their idols
In the case of this story, people bid millions of dollars (the original winning bid, which failed to materialize, was $4.6 million) to "spend [their] eternal days directly above Marilyn Monroe" (quote from the ebay advertisement for the burial spot).

If this is not the icing on the cake to a culture obsessed with its celebrities, I do not know what is.

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