Recently some of my friends (and wife) have begun making lists called "25 Random Things About Me". In it they list 25 facts about themselves that are not widely known. Captivated I joined the parade of lists and thought "this would make a good blog post - after all, I bet people who read this would like to know more about me." I very well could be wrong, but none-the-less here is my list...
"25 Random Things About Christian the Christian..."
1. I thought everyone went to heaven (kinda like it was a birth right - you are born and one day when you die, your rightful place will be in heaven). When I was 15 (almost 16) I heard the Truth about God, heaven, sin and realized four crucial things (as I discovered them in the Bible): (1) God hates sin (2) I was a sinner (3) Not everyone goes to heaven - it's not a right (4) The only way to go to heaven was to do more than "know about" God - I needed to believe and follow Him. To put my hope, faith and trust in Him... my life has never been the same since. In August of 1992, I was saved from hell and bought (at the expense of Jesus Christ's life on the Cross) into heaven (and even more amazing) a relationship with THE living God!!!
2. I am a sold-out, bought-out, born-again Jesus Freak! I am all about the Savior!!
3. I married WAY UP!!! My wife walked into my driver's ed class my Junior Year of high school and all of a sudden the world around me stopped moving. I'd never seen beauty like I did that day - and she's only getting HOTTER! :-) It was NOT love at first sight, but I tell you I knew I wanted to have the opportunity to learn to love her! She is the most amazing woman I've ever met. She is my daily example of love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and true beauty!
4. My wife blew me off in that class and still doesn't remember I was even in there. :-) (so here that moment she walked in changed my life and she still can't remember me even being in there - she remembers all my friends though... to quote one of my students, Cierra... "sad"). lol i love teasing her about it.
5. I have 3 amazing kids - Mckenna, Connor and Jessi who humble me daily (usually when I'm not expecting it or hoping to be). :-)
6. My favorite place in the world (seriously there is no where else that makes me smile more) is laying with or near Laura - whether it be us watching a movie, tv or just talking.
7. I am a Starbucks junkie... seriously, not good on the budget. Frappaccino's are my downfall... Venti Java Chip, light with whip (the WORST PART of the drink - so bad for you!!!!) and an extra shot of espresso. At Christmas it's the same with a shot of mint! (BTW - if anyone would like to help feed my addiction, I gladly accept gift cards to Starbucks in any monetary amount!) ;-)
8. I loathe alcoholic beverages. There is not one part of me that finds any part of it appealing. I have seen it do so much damage to so many people/families. It also destroys people's witness to the world, which leads a Christian to defend their drinking with Scripture versus defending/sharing the Gospel (yes, I know the Bible is not anti-drinking... but I don't know many who drink as an act of worship or in a place/manner that is God-honoring). Why not abandon "liquid courage" in favor of a mocha or coke with a shot of cherry syrup? I do NOT dislike people who drink (hopefully that is a given - especially those who know me) because that's not it at all... I love all people!!!! I just don't understand drinking. Especially the partying scene... it just crushes me. I'm not perfect and not throwing rocks... just sharing my heart on an issue that has affected me deeply, both personally and pastorally.
9. I am not proud of who I was, but LOVE who God is shaping me to be!!! Especially over the last six+ years.
9. I struggle with confidence in myself. Though I am often uncomfortable, I think it's a good thing because it reminds me of God's greatness despite my weaknesses... that brings me much comfort. So while I lack confidence in myself (and my abilities) my confidence in God is ROCK SOLID (no pun intended).
10. I used to like New Kids On The Block. Don't be hatin'...
11. I sneak in to my kids' rooms at night just to watch them sleep a little. I often pray for them in the stillness of the night... those moments bring me to tears quicker than anything else.
12. I love that my son is a lot like me! He is my "bestest buddy".
12. I love playing guitar and singing... in my head I sound awesome... then I get on a mic and... well, it's not pretty. I hope to write a song one day...
13. As evidenced by the fact that I am typing this list instead of doing what I am supposed to be doing: I am ADD. Not on medicine, but do at times envy those with meds. I can't imagine how productive I'd be in one hour on meds. I wonder if it would feel like that moment in the Matrix when Neo dodges the bullets... that would be awesome!
14. My favorite vacation spots: (1) Disney World (wish I could go every year), (2) the beach, alone with my best friend Laura, (3) the beach, with my best friend Laura and our three babies (I love talking about God and Creation with them while we're there!)
15. I'm a movie nut and have to work hard not to allow the ART of the good movies to overrule my worldview (where I like the art and technical aspects over what I know to be True; or the message of the film be embraced, because of how well it was presented, when it should be rejected... a couple of movie examples: "Million Dollar Baby" - euthanasia, "Happy Feet" - unconditional tolerance, "Love Actually" - love is blind, uninformed and a magical feeling, etc.)
16. I love teenagers!! I think they are the most unique breed (yes, I know I said "breed") of people on earth! They're emotional, passionate, entertaining, hungry for "real" while grounding themselves in things false or unreal, and a ton of fun to talk to, love and encourage.
17. I don't like being the center of attention. I know this may come as a shock to many who know me considering I am always talking and "up front," but I am much more "comforatble" being a support in the back of a room. I think this is one reason why I love ministry so much - it's God pulling me out of my comfort zone and putting me in a place where I have to depend on Him.
18. I pray daily for (and with) my children and for their future spouses - I pray that above all else they love God with all their hearts, that His love is evident in their lives in the way they love those around them and that they serve Him with boldness and zeal.
19. I love talking about my wife and how awesome she is (I tell everyone - strangers or friends)! She's really THAT amazing.
19. Silence scares me/bothers me in a crowded room and comforts me in solitude.
20. I love video games, but always feel tremendous guilt when I play them - as if I should be doing something else more productive (as if relaxation is bad). I hardly ever play, for that reason. It doesn't help that the few times I decide to play random people just happen to stop by (sometimes saying "I wish I had time to play video games")...
21. I LOVE fantasy sports. I am the commissioner of one fantasy baseball league and two fantasy football leagues. I also just have teams in a couple other leagues. Crazy thing is, none of them really take that much time and make the sports even funner for me (though I never watch them or the ESPN highlights anymore).
22. I hate fishing and hunting and mechanical stuff... I feel quite out of place around guys who do/can (only when they talk about it... I just smile and nod). I love camping, hiking and paintball, though I rarely get to do any of them.
23. I used to hate reading, but since Seminary have really become quite fond of it.
24. 4:30pm is my favorite time of the day during the week... it's when my wife/"life" (Mckenna used to think that was Laura's title to me... my "life" instead of "wife") and children come home from school.
25. I like being this transparent and want this list to be "30 things"... but then I'd want 35... then 40... so I'll end now. :-) (BTW... I cheated and added an extra 9, 12, and 19... so this way I still only ended up with 25) :-)
Hope you enjoyed getting to know your blogger... :-) Blessings...
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