I love video games. I don't play nearly as often as I would like, but such is the life of a father, husband and one who works (in my case, in ministry). When I was growing up I read Nintendo Power magazine cover to cover every time it was released. I was a video game junkie! I lived on pins and needles when a new Mario game was on the horizon.
Much like me with Mario, many have been awaiting the arrival of PS3's newest arrival Little Big Planet (slated to be released Oct. 21), but were disappointed over the weekend to learn that its highly anticipated debut is being pushed back... for RELIGIOUS reasons. Apparently, one of the songs in Little Big Planet features a few lines from the Qu'ran, causing outrage among a Muslim group. They sent a letter of complaint and so the game developers stopped shipment, issued a letter of apology and took the song out (leading them to have to repackage the games and delayed the game's release by one week). Now I am offended.
Why? Because if it were a Christian group protesting something in that game or any of the other games available (such as rap artist 50 Cent blowing rivals away, sexuality and nudity in games marketed to teens, gratuitous violence of the Grand Theft Auto series, etc.) they would be brushed aside as "religious zealots" or "intolerant" or "judgmental hypocrites". I do not believe Christians ought to protest all ungodly things, but there are times when their protests are legitimate concerns. Does anyone listen? Rarely. The concerns are usually brushed off as unfounded nitpickings. However, if a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish or other non-Christian religion protest - the wheels stop churning, apologies are issued and matters are changed.
So "tolerance" is available to all but Christians? I see. How conveniently (in)tolerant.