Monday, August 18, 2008

My Musical Shindig (Music that's moved me lately)

Monday, August 18, 2008
Music has been a major part of my life since I can remember. From hearing my dad play “Born Free” repeatedly on his Oldes Trumpet (no, not “old” though it was that, too :-) ) to listening to music with him (while occasionally listening to he and my mom belt out the tunes) like Alabama, Chicago, old school Aerosmith, The Carpenters, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, country artists whose names I cannot remember and more.

As a child I also began to play music so instead of just listening to it, I began creating music on trumpet (though I must admit it took some years before “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and “Hot Cross Buns” actually sounded audible and worthy of any sort of audience). Even as a Christian music has played a pivotal role in my growth as a Believer. Groups or artists like Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, DC Talk, Jars of Clay and Audio Adrenaline were major influences in my early Christian life in a time where I looked to find music that represented my faith.

I’m not sure what it is about the power of music, but it truly has the power to communicate and move someone. The power to speak what is on the minds and hearts of the listener, though they may not be poetic enough to say it in quite such a creative manner. I am a HUGE fan of music!!! I love music of most varieties (though country is still a work in progress I must admit, despite living in the South and being raised on a healthy musical diet of it): Rap, rock (thanks in large part to my wife), classical, jazz, big band, alternative (which is now becoming more “indie rock,” I suppose), R&B, hymns, etc.
On occasion I find groups or artists whose “voice,” so to speak, speaks above the rest…whose content speaks volumes, captivates my attention and speaks for my heart... whose music is original and creative and seeks to distinguish itself from the rest… whose artist/band members’ lives only confirm further the message they share in song. A group or artist whose music has something to say but doesn’t allow message or music to override the other (such as a song with great content/message but poorly played/arranged music or great music and message with terrible/poorly written lyrics). Few groups get it just right and I think I’ve got a few that I think you’re going to enjoy as well. These are some of my favorites... some of these are a little older, some newer, but check them out and see what you think:

David Crowder Band
Amazing lyrics and music, this band is a fun and has a unique sound to them. If you know me personally you know I have all their music and listen to them often. If they had to be contained in a genre, I’d probably label them (hesitantly): alternative/worship.

Toby Mac
One of the three members of DC Talk, this man is a very gifted musician. Not in a classical way, but with turn-tables, producing/arranging skills he has redefined Christian hip-hop. Most importantly is his unwavering love for God and the passion in which He seeks to worship Him. Creative lyrics, amazing beats, and a healthy dose of reality fill his albums. Genre: Hip-hop, rock/rap, etc.

My Favorite Rap Artists:
Each of these guys have SOLID lyrics (many times talking about deep theological stuff versus just becoming a happy Christian)! They are all very good and from the same label (CrossMovement Records/Ministries). I usually have one or more of them playing in my youth group each Sunday!
Lecrae -
Flame -
The Ambassador -
d.a. T.R.U.T.H.

I’ve recently come across an band that has risen to the top of my MP3 player and Windows Media Player play list: LEELAND. I featured one of their songs in youth group two weeks ago and have listened to their album a few more times since. Their lyrics are thoughtful and deep, their music is creative and different and their hearts are sincere! The lead singer (Leeland) is 20 (they released their first album when he was only 16) and was recently recruited by Michael W. Smith to help him write six of the songs on his newest album.
Some of my favorite songs from their new album:
“Let it Out Now” ( – somebody’s own video to their song… only have the link so you can hear the song)
“Brighter Days” (
And that's what me diggin' music is all about Charlie Brown...


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