Ok, so it happened again. It’s been a little over a week since my last entry. I apologize. With summer here my life is packed with Youth Group planning and events, leaving very little time to blog. That will change in a few weeks when school resumes – so please be patient with me. :-)
Now on to PART 2 (and final part) of “Christian Teen Pics.”
Ok, so we get it – many “Christian teen” lifestyles are anything but Godly. What can we (they) do to remedy this? While my list is no doubt unoriginal and far from exhaustive, it is a start and good reminder to us all about being CONTENDERS for the faith (Jude 3) and lovers of God (Deuteronomy 6). For the most part I address the list below to teens, but parents and others feel free to use it how you see fit.
1. Starts with Parents. Yes, teens make their own choices to live the lives they do, but as parents we have to check ourselves as well. (1) Ask yourself: “Are they simply copying what they see in my life?” (2) Talk with your teens – do you even know what’s on their pages? Their friends’ pages? What’s going on when they’re “just hanging out with friends?” (Note: Giving teens “their space” doesn’t mean being completely removed from their lives or online lives. It means giving them space to make decisions while guiding them and catching them in love when they miss the mark. Trust me – ignorance is NOT bliss.)
2. Your Future Spouse. What about your husband/wife? Yes, I know (teens)… you are not married. However, make no mistake about it – your demonstration of how much you love your future spouse starts NOW! I can’t imagine my wife (or online internet surfers either, for that matter) being comfortable with seeing suggestive pictures of me online (yes, I am having trouble not laughing at this even as I type it). Respect your future spouse enough to protect what will belong to them alone (read 1 Cor. 7:4).
3. Accountability. Get some friends in your life who are willing to say the hard stuff to you, who are willing to point out when you are crossing the line (checkout Prov. 22:6). Another way to help keep you accountable is making your online profiles (all of them) available to your parents to check out. Ask Godly adults or teens whose opinion you respect (because you know they’ll be honest with you) to give you feedback about your online profiles or lifestyle choices from time to time. Partner up with another Christian friend and challenge each other to live lives of truth and faith (hold each other accountable).
4. Challenge yourself to commit to God ABOVE ALL THINGS (even if it means not doing the things everyone else labels as “ok”, “good” or “acceptable”). Our loyalty is to our Creator above all else – to include friends.
5. Love God. Learn now what your faith and relationship with God mean to you. Learn to love it more than anything else. Demonstrate that relationship with God in your other relationships and character (to include your private and online life).
6. NEVER COMPROMISE (never be willing to give up) ANY part of your relationship with God for anything else. Remember – sin takes ALWAYS takes us further than we want to go, leaves us longer than we want to stay and costs us far more than we were willing to pay.
Now the decision is yours. What kind of Christian teen are you going to be? The kind that lives one life in title (“I’m a Christian” or “Jesus Freak” or “Washed by the Blood” or “Sold Out Believer” or whatever other title you might use to describe your faith) and another in practice (talk like heaven and live like hell)? Or are you going to be the kind that sets the standard and challenges their friends to live lives of hope, as well? You can’t have both… a decision must be made. Trust me, the world around you can already tell what your decision is just by the way you live your life…
And that’s what “Christian Teen Pics - What Now” is all about Charlie Brown…
The Painful Reality of Hell
1 day ago
Good thoughts...and good challenges to teenagers (and everyone else).
I don't think to many people challenge teens as much anymore, they just want to 'be their friend', and expect them to 'live out faith' when they are adults.
I love people that are really investing in teens, helping them to see that what they do now affects the future, as well as their relationship with God and others!
yeah so awsome christian and incouageing to all. Ashley I really agree with you hes a cool guy and loves us teens to death how do I know? I'm luky enough to have him as my youth Pastor! The lord has worked though him. God bless you and I hope you take the things he has said and apply them to life. It works seriously.
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