Monday, December 15, 2008

Jesus Was An Offensive Baby...

Monday, December 15, 2008

With it being Christmas time I thought we'd talk a bit about this History/Life/People/Culture/World-changing Savior whom came to us as a Child (Charlie Brown's Christmas is now sufficiently locked in my mind... cue "CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT?!?!"). No, we're not gonna talk about the popular parts (and rightly-so) of the story of His birth.

Instead, I want to talk about FOUR things this Baby was, and represented, that we often overlook at Christmas:

1. A Clear Path: While there was never a gray area with God before, the birth of His Son made it clear how one could go to heaven. Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me." That's it... not "believe in whatever you want and be faithful to it and you're in" or "go to church, pray daily, eat your veggies and you're in"... it's either through belief in Christ alone as the One true Savior or you're out.

2. An Ultimatum: yes, Jesus is the Prince of Peace (or as the famous Christmas passage reads because of His birth: "peace on earth and good will toward men"; though it actually reads "peace, and on earth, peace to those whom God favors")... but unfortunately we misunderstand what that title means. Jesus Himself said, "I did not come to bring peace, but to bring a sword" and that He would divide a family against itself. "WHAT?!?!?!?" you may be asking. Let me clarify... because of sin, mankind is separated from the pure and holy God (Father); man is not at peace with God, but an enemy of His due to their sin (James 4:4, Romans 8:31-39). Christ came to bring peace between MAN and GOD. However, Christ warned that whoever believed in Him and followed Him would be thought of as foolish by many; thus, many people would turn their back on those new “believers”… even their own family at times (hence the reason a family would divide against itself). CHRIST WAS AN ULTIMATUM – either you’re with God, or you’re against Him. Christ being born made it clear that there could be no other option.

3. True Love: not a fickle kind of love like we see so often in our society, but one that was UNCONDITIONAL and given before we even knew we’d need it or want it! God demonstrated love (He didn’t just say “I love you”) by sending His Son in the form of a Child, who would eventually die as a Man so that ANYONE who chose to put their faith in Him could be cleared of all wrongdoing in the eyes of God and have a new chance at life. No matter what, God promises those who are really with Him – it is a FOREVER deal! No backing out… no changing His mind… no changing the requirements later… He’s in it forever, PERIOD. Don’t believe me? Read Romans 8:31-39.

4. A New Definition for Loving Others: More than just be nice and give stuff, Christ said that we ought to “be last.” Putting others first was a revolutionary thought in that day and time. To serve others was a lowly job… Christ didn’t just teach it, though… He exemplified it! He said “For [I] did not come to be served, but to serve and to give [My] life as a ransom for many.” Translation: Christ came to serve mankind in the ultimate way – to lay down His life (take our punishment for our sin on Himself, thus freeing us) so that you and I could have a second chance. Now THAT is Love!!!

So as we celebrate this amazing birth, I pray we remember exactly what it did for mankind! It was more than just the birth, Wise Men, Shepherds, music, angels, plays, decorations and food… it was a new beginning!!!! I pray that you may experience this Peace that He came to bring!

Merry Christmas!



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