Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean is NOT the Face of Christianity

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ok… the powers that be (namely “The Donald”) have stated that Carrie Prejean can keep her Miss California crown. While I am happy for her, I honestly don’t really care if she has it or not. To be honest, her having the spotlight right now (crown or not) is troubling for me as a Believer since it seems the media (and in some ways Carrie herself) are insistent on attaching the issues surrounding her to Christianity. Somehow she has become the spokesperson for Christianity and this is problematic in every way! It is a fallacy. Just because she speaks on behalf of Traditional Marriage, claims to be a Christian and mentions her faith as one of the defining reasons for her stance on marriage does not make her the spokesman/spokesmodel for Christianity!

Yes, I give her props for getting on the stage in front of a national audience (though I still don’t know anyone who actually watches the “beautiful on the inside and outside” contest) and a panel of judges with advocates for gay marriage (most notably Perez Hilton) and speaking up for traditional marriage when it is now the new taboo. BUT she is not (and should not be) the new face of Christianity. I think it is highly problematic to place any face (especially hers) on Christianity for several reasons…

  1. It already has a face – Jesus Christ. Not for nothing, no one can match or surpass Him.
  2. People are subject to fail. NO ONE can live up to the pressure of being the face of Christianity. Carrie’s life is an unfortunate example of this. Since her famous/infamous answer of Perez’s question the tabloid media has been scrambling to ruin her name (and they haven’t had to work that hard). In the last couple weeks several reports have surfaced about Christianity’s “new face”… topless photos, risqué photos, claims of her receiving a pageant-funded-boob-job, links to party-boy Olympian Michael Phelps, blah blah blah. People are by nature self-indulgent… to put any one as the face of Christianity in the media is problematic.
  3. The Church (all Bible believing, God loving, Christ following churches, regardless of the name on the front) was created by Christ to be His memorial and voice in a Lost and seeking world. That task is far too big and grand for one individual. Even highly respected Christians such as Rick Warren, John Piper, Mark Driscoll, J.D. Greear, the late C.S. Lewis, and the late Paul (the Apostle) are not capable of serving as the poster child for Christianity (nor is that how Christ wanted it).
  4. Just because Carrie speaks on behalf of traditional marriage does not mean she speaks on behalf of Christianity. She has never publicly stood for Christ (to my knowledge). She has said that she goes to church and that her faith is a major influencing factor for her pro-traditional marriage stance, but that does NOT mean that she has the desire to live for Christ. Matter of fact, it is her lifestyle and decisions to advance her career that are causing such an uprising and causing so many non-believers to question her faith.

My heart goes out to Carrie. I cannot begin to imagine the stress and pressure that is on her right now. Yes, it comes with the territory of seeking the national spotlight, but even one seeking such attention could never be prepared for this type of scrutiny.

TO THE CHURCH: This conversation is less about Carrie and more about us as the worldwide memorial for Christ. People look at the church and its congregants who (1) seek self pleasure above loving God, (2) stand behind their blind and uninformed faith and (3) blur the line of Christian distinctives (those things which make us Christian) and then wonder why they should waste their time with such a mindless, compassionless, judgmental faith. It’s time that we begin to look at the people in our cities with the same compassion that Christ did and seek to love them and be a voice in the darkness that champions justice, Truth, righteousness and above all love!

PARENTS: Much of the scrutiny Carrie faces is the result of her own desires and choices. The photos in question were all ones that she posed for professionally hoping to make it big. Forsaking her faith (or at least tabling it) she put her desire for fame first and took risks that are now backfiring on her. Instead of being respected for her craft, she is mocked as a hypocrite. I think it would do well for us to remind our children/teens (and ourselves) of the importance of loving and modeling Christ above all things. After all, “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul”? (Matt. 16:26)

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Image Credit: Associated Press




I agree that we should not have one spokesman/woman for Christianity because we are humans. We all fall short. We don't want to cause our brother to stumble or have non-believers questions us. Jesus is still and always will be the TRUE MODEL of CHRISTIANITY!

C-Ray the Bald one

So we have someone that has a few morals as the unchosen representative of Christianity today. She's a sinner, just like the rest of us. Years ago, Britney Spears sold albums becuase she claimed to be Christian. Even Jessica Simpson use to be a "Christian" music singer. Most people think that standing for a few good morals and traditions makes them better than the rest of the world. The world thinks that Christians think they know better about morals than anyone. The link has been made and promoted by the media. Carrie stands up for traditional marriage, something controversial for a homosexually endorsed pageant.

Christianity is a mystery to the world. With that said, even a few Christian's completely understand the true meaning of Christianity. Everything point that Christian the Christian posted here is what should be the focus. Let the world think what they will. Carrie's got to stand before her creator one day just like everyone else. How well is Christ going to be her face of Christianity at that moment?


Carrie Prejan is simply not a Christian. I don’t care if she stands against same sex marriage or not. Standing for something Good does not make you a born again Christian. The "Christianity" we have in America is flat out apostate! Most of it has nothing to do with Jesus the Christ at all. It is time to stop making excuses and saying that you can do anything you want and be a Christian. Is your life changed? Are you daily repenting of your sins and pressing hard after the Lord? You don't have to be perfect but there are some basics that simply HAVE TO BE THERE!! You can not love the world and the things in the world and have the love of GOD in you. God is not mocked, this is not a joke. Christians should not even be watching stuff like this let alone being ion one! Her pastor should be ashamed of himself. She is not talking about suing for her newly lost crown. She sent completely selfish and ungodly emails to the pageant directors. She even had them pay for her “boob job”. You people had better wake up before it’s to late. REPENT and turn your hearts from the world to the Living GOD! Grace is not a free pass. “I can do whatever I want and make “Christian” excuses for everything I do becase look I can tred on the precious blood of the lamb to do it”. THAT is how SICK people in America are.

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